Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Well now that Raya is over, I'm definitely making full use of the ability to drink by having a cup of my favorite home brew everyday. I know this cant be good for me but hey, I've been caffeine free for a  month.. bagi la can... not like im planning to give up caffeine  anyway. :p

Let's see... what's been going on... (obviously don't have a specific topic to this entry)... Aside from the sizzling story of the make-up lady and her posse's tragic murder, and me getting getting fatter as I read up on the conspiracy theories and news clips surrounding it ,while gnawing through Raya cookies, rendang, chocolates etc, nothing much has been going on.

Not to say that I haven't had much to do during the holidays though; The room is spiffy clean except for one closet, been looking at a new car (thanks to a v. generous offer from beloved big bro which i still think is too much and unnecessary) and diving into a book about becoming an expert on using my Canon G10.

The G10 is definitely no point-and-shoot camera la. Although it can be set to AUTO to function that way, it's been doing wonders in my un-trained hands and compared to a buddy of mine's DSLR, the same image we shot came out with superior results from my nippy DSLR wanna-be. Hah!

Well I haven't even reached halfway through the book but I've already learnt stuff I never knew it could do before, like the face detection auto timer, the awesome flash compensation digital monitor, the stitch panorama and gosh, who the hell knows what more is in store..

I'm still working on the book but be sure that once I'm done, I'll show you what this bad boy can do. Of course, if you can't wait go ahead and google G10 reviews and you'll see some of the mad awesome shots from professional shooters. In the meantime, here's a couple of self portrait shots of yours truly using the auto face detect,  of course, while not knowing what the heck I was doing.. very basic shots. hehe.

and this is a video i call "the blue car" ppffftttt..... nevermind... video took too long to upload....

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