Saturday, June 19, 2010

There ain't no Karate in Karate Kid.

Here's my summary of the Karate Kid: it was an over the top effort from Jada Pinkett and Will smith to put their son in the limelight and on the fast track to Holywood.

First of all, if your looking for some good ol' Karate action that you would think would be in a movie called Karate Kid, then don't watch this movie. This was purely a Kung Fu movie.

Don't worry no spoilers here. They did maintain the same storyline, but this was purely based on Kung Fu ( of course la Jackie Chan, right?). So honestly, if it wasn't for the Smith's paying a whole load of money for the rights to the name Karate Kid in hopes of making more money and getting the most air time fir their son, this flick should have really been called Kungfu Kid. But we all know that won't sell right?

So as expected, lots of Kungfu action in this movie, (although surprisingly not much from JC) and lots and lots of unnecessary airtime for Jaden. Aside from that and the bits of humor here and there, I gotta say this movie was slightly a bit to kiddy for me. Definitely a good family movie to watch with your siblings or kids or nieces and nephews but for you martial arts junkies out there, don't waste your money on movie tickets for this. You know what to do instead ;)

But I think JC's performance in this movie is definitely worth noting. Aside from his usual action work, he actually seemed to have put extra effort in getting into character for this movie and it shows. Not exactly Mr Miyagi, but good enough to pull it off.

Okay aside from that I still have lots of movies to catch up. Haven't been watching anything much at the cinemas for a while. Time to start things up again especially when the summer session is about to start. Just gotta stay focused to avoid the snack counter. LOL
