Sunday, February 7, 2010

Eating Healthy?

I’ve been trying to lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle since last year. It’s not been easy but it’s progressing so okayla. Am quite happy with where I am right now. Although it’s nowhere close to where want to be.

The biggest challenge of getting there for me is the diet. I’m not very disciplined when it comes to eating… and I don’t deny that I quite often fall of the diet bandwagon with the mamaks and mom’s food etc. But when I’m in the office or roaming around town, I find it really hard to eat healthy in KL. Sure there’s always healthy food around but it’s just too darn costly!

For example, at lunch last week in my workplace cafeteria, I had 2 pieces of fruit, a diet coke and a yoghurt..and it cost me 6 bucks. The thing that really ticked me off was the guy in front of me had like rice with the curry and the chicken and the veggies and fried egg some more… with his teh ais, it cost him RM4.70! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! The amount of food he had was three times more filling (at least) and twice as heavy! And he paid over a buck less than me! It’s just ridiculous!

The other thing that annoys me when it comes to healthy food choices here is Salad. As soon as the word ‘salad’ appears in the dish, the price increases. And this is only because the perception of ‘salad’ being a type of ‘Western’ cuisine!!! C’mon people. Vegetables! Its supposed to be cheaper than your Nasi Goreng Seafood or Maggi Goreng! But nooooo. Because it’s a ‘SALAD’ kena la mahal kan.. Western… have to be something special.

I wonder how long it will take before the whole food scene in Malaysia (and maybe asia) will placate that of Europe and US where healthy choices should be similar if not cheaper than regular food. I mean, veggies and yoghurt and dairy products are almost free in the western world. Why is it such a big deal here? We don’t have to import anything too. Just sell what we have here!! Is that so hard?

Sigh.. all this ranting is making me hungry… time for a burger…


Anonymous said...

For it not to be expensive, you gotta eat a) sayur lodeh. or b) kangkung belacan or c) bayam

kalau makan 'salad' MEMANGla expensive! tak sedap pulak tu.. when in rome, bro! when in rome...

sho said...
