Wednesday, May 7, 2008

needs and wants

Things I need to do before the end of 2008:

1. Lose 11kgs
2. Learn the stock exchange game.
3. Subscribe to an insurance policy
4. Buy an apartment/house
5. Rent my own place.

Things I want to do before the end of 2008.
1. Lose 17 kgs
2. Invest in mutual funds.
3. Get a new car sound system.
4. Get my own LCD tv (on installment payment)
5. Get an iPhone (only if its officially released in Malaysia - no cracks)
6. If not item 5, get a PDA phone.
7. Pending on item 1, get a new custom made office wardrobe.
8. Pending on item 1, buy new regular clothes.

Lacking something? Yeah. But it's cool.

Oh. Jakarta is still awesome. Maybe slightly awesomer than before. Not much photos this time. Busy having fun.

Need island.... have to find way to island......

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