Thursday, April 10, 2008

Why McLaren, Why?

Wow. The later turned out to be almost a week later.

What a week it's been. Things seem to have really piled up while I was away. And some almost reached critical stage. I guess I got back at the right time. If it wasn't for trusted colleagues, work would have tumbled and crashed all over the place. Thanks guys and girls. But whatever it is, work is still work and there's still a lot to do for the new orders that were announced.

Personal Life
No comment.

Life in general

I faced killer conversations recently.

"are you not seeing anyone now?"
It was a yes or no question. Shit. I hate yes or no questions.
"since when?"
"since January"
Just a few phrases later, the conversation ended.

Another one with a different person started the same way, and continued further.
Damn. Why is it that as soon as I'm on a roll with the yes or no questions POW! I'm hit with an open one.
"i don't know. i guess i'm done with all that. i think i know what i want now."
"what is it that you want?"
"i know who my future lies with."
"so what are you going to do about it"
"there's nothing that i can do"
"so you're screwed"
"tight. And topped up with sealant"

Another one. With a more elderly person. In malay.
"haa la... akak ni dah tak tahan dah dengan perangai anak sedara akak tu. gedik sini sana. kepit manjang. so nak selamatkan diorang, family akak pun kawinkanla. senang. tapi masalahnya dua dua tu budak lagi. keje pun tak seberapa."
"nak buat camana kak. dah jodoh"
"hmmm ye la. banyak la ko boleh cakap. yang tak sepatutnya kahwin, nak cepat cepat. gopoh. tapi yang sepatutnya kawin. yang stable macam ko tu... ntah apa la ditunggunye".



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