Saturday, April 19, 2008

Haven't written in a while. Don't know what to write about really. Nothing much is going on.

Birthday came and went. No big deal there.

Political scene is still the same, and its slowly creeping up my annoyance ladder. Some people have actually moved on from the whole election drama and got on with life. Thank God for them. But most are still harping on the outcome of the elections. Still wondering why things are the way they are. Still trying to get others to talk about it. And still wanting more drama, as if the one we had wasn't sufficient to fulfill their needs.

So the ruling party lost more seats than usual. So what? Isn't that an acceptable outcome of an election in a so-called democratic country? What is the big deal? Why can't most of us deal with it and move on with our lives. It's not like we're undergoing a massive change or anything. The same people (well, almost) are still at the helm. Everything is still the same. One of the reader views on a major local daily yesterday criticized all this talk about resignation and what not. And that particular view was, if the ruling party had done so bad, why call for one person's resignation? The whole damn crew should resign and take responsibility for it, since it's such a big deal to them. I couldn't agree more with this.

I'm not gonna talk politics. It's not my thing. Well, at least not at the moment. I hate politics. I've seen it take the best out of people and give nothing back but sorrow. I've seen it lie. I've seen it cheat. I've seen it destroy one man, until there is really nothing left to live for.

Sure, I have my preference. And I have my reasons to have that preference. But I only think of it come election time. Once that is done, we're all the same. As long as the country remains stable, we shouldn't really worry, dwell or even talk about politics until the next election comes around. It's a waste of time. And with all the deceit, corruption and lies that surround it, politics will never end.

On a personal note, I am feeling like I am reaching a major turning point in my life. I don't exactly know what it is or which direction it will take me. But I know I am slowly changing. Deep inside it is as if I am reverting to my original self, returning to a person whom I was once before. I dont exactly know to what extent or in what manner. But I feel it. It feels like in the recent period of time, probably a year or two, I have not been myself. And now, that person is slowly seeping into my veins and returning me to the person I once was.

I don't really know if this so-called change is good or bad. It might be neither. But I hope it brings me benefit in one way or another. I guess only time can tell...

How far are we from the truth...
When truth seems far from being clear...
How clear are we on our purpose...
When our purpose recludes our eyes and ears...

How sure are we of our needs...
When our needs slowly dissapear...
How lost are we in this life...
When life seems to be out of steer...

How much of facts can we really tell....
When telling seems to be the hardest part...
How do we know we've past the end...
When our only chance is to go back to the start...

I hope everyone has a good weekend. Thanks for all the birthday wishes.

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