Saturday, February 16, 2008

SAD day

No it's not a sad day. As many of you may know, today has been designated as SAD day = Singles Awareness Day. I dont know what it means for sure, but if i were to guess, I think its a day for us singles to celebrate being single. I'm also not sure if this is day is actually for real, or if it was a fad created by I learnt of this day through the hilarious Morning Crew team of Rudy and Junior. (Kudos to you guys for an awesome V day morning show. It really helped me go through the rest of the day. hahaha funnyeehh)

So yeah, 14th Feb came and went. Again. Second year in a row. 2 years ago on that day, I would have never imagined that the next two v days would be spent alone, considering that I was at the peak and happiest part of my life then. But, with the beautiful and mysterious way this life goes, it turns out that the unexpected happened and things have definitely unfolded the way I never thought it would be. Amazing.

After spending two v days doing pretty much nothing, I am slowly coming to a conclusion that there is really no point in celebrating the v. I used to be one of 'those' but now no more. This, in no way, has anything to do with religious and moral values, of course. It's more of a principle kind of thing. Sure, it's common to hear single people bitch about v day, but I think, if I were ever to be in a relationship in the near or far future, one thing I would change is celebrating the v. In fact, I think I'm no longer acknowledging it. I dont hate it. I still send out wishes to everyone who celebrates it. I just dont think I'll be one of them from now on.

My argument will not be the usual "why would you need a special day to celebrate love when it should be done all the time", but rather its a waste of money, effort and time. Especially time. Every freaking couple wants to go out on V day hence causing a massive, painful, fucked up traffic jam that's even worse than new year's eve. All the highways and restaurants and bars and clubs and chill-joints and whatever else is filled up with couples who fall prey to the commercialized concept of the V. Last year it took me more than an hour to reach home because of these idiots. This year I learnt my lesson and stayed in the office till late. Sounds lame I know, but at least I reached home in 15 minutes while the lovey dovey doofuses were busy having their 500-ringgit dinners. Don't get me started about the ridiculous prices of everything on that day. Bodoh.

I can't deny that I was one of them. One of those who jam up the roads and succumb to the devilish enticements of the bloodsucking establishments that are trying their best to make a quick buck on v days. And boy did I splurge. No more, dude. No regrets, of course, but I'm done with that shit. Been there done that and now, i know better.

Now, I treat it as any other day. Last year, on v day, i chilled with my buddies in my pool and later for an awesome dinner, burning each other throughout. This year, i worked, to accomodate the approaching deadlines and piled-up to-dos. So instead of slaving over a day (v) that no one really knows where it came from, I actually end up having more fun. Last year's chilled out pool/loser bash will be well remembered. This year, well,at least working will help my future kan?

Of course, on a day when everyone celebrates their love ones, I tend to think about my past and what's going to happen to me... and tho it looks kind of bleak.... ehh what the fuck.. ape nak jadi jadi lah. Janji duit ade, makan cukup, lawak lebih, and party over and over and over. (kononnye la. blakang kalu stuck at home main PS2 or random guitar sessions or books.. but then again, there's always KRC, bitch!!!)

Going out of topic as an end note, I'd like to share with the small little world that visits this blog (mungkin sorang saje? thanks for your support azah - haha) a very useful quote that will help you through anything that happens. Believe you me, it has done wonders to calm me down anytime shit hits the fan.

"Things are never as bad as they seem."
Harper Lee, spoken by character Miss Maudie, To Kill A Mockingbird

Stay cool. And enjoy the weekend. SIN, CGK! HERE I COME!

Sometimes I feel
Like I am drunk behind the wheel
The wheel of possibility
However it may roll
Give it a spin
See if you can somehow factor in
You know there's always more than one way
To say exactly what you mean to say

Was I out of my head?
Was I out of my mind?
How could I have ever been so blind?
I was waiting for an indication
It was hard to find
Don't matter what I say
only what I do
I never mean to do bad things to you
So quiet but I finally woke up
If you're sad then it's time you spoke up too

1 comment:

Iron Butterfly said...

heheeh.. flattered that you mentioned me. btw, my record is longer. As of last week, I am now officially single for 3 years. Heh.